Experts However Doubt India Can Keep Its Promise With The 230
Category 1 for the treatment of new patients. Category 2 for previously treated patients. Category 4 for patients requiring treatment for MDR TB Category 5 for .Patients who have not had any TB treatment before, or they have had less than one month of anti TB drugs, are considered to be new patients. New patients are .Finding and treating multidrug-resistant TB MDR-TB in previously treated patients The retreatment regimen with first-line drugs formerlyed "Category 2" DST results for rifampicin/isoniazid will be available within 12 days and can be .Int Jrc Lung Dis. 2000 Sep;4 9 :795. The treatment of WHO Category 1rculosis with 2HRZE/6HE is indeed defensible. Mathew R 1 , Santha T..
Standardized treatment regimens are one of the pillars of the DOTS RNTCP cl.ifies .rculosis patients into two treatment categories. **Previously treated is former Category II..Category 1 for the treatment of new patients. Category 2 for previously treated patients. Category 4 for patients requiring treatment for MDR TB Category 5 for .Finding and treating multidrug-resistant TB MDR-TB in previously treated patients The retreatment regimen with first-line drugs formerlyed Category 2 DST results for rifampicin/isoniazid will be available within 12 days and can be .Aims of TB Treatment; General Principles; Treatment Guidelines. Learning Objectives Patients on 1st line ARVs may start Category I ATT. Patients on ARV .
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