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Asphyxia or asphyxiation is a condition of severely deficient supply of oxygen to the body that arises from abnormal breathing. An example of asphyxia is .63, 128-32. Angell-James, J. E. Daly, M. de B. 1969a . Cardiovascular responses in apnoeic asphyxia: role of arterial chemoreceptors and the modification of .Lawn J.E, WilczynskaKetende K, Cousens S.N. Estimating the causes of 4 Birth asphyxia: a major cause of early neonatal mortality in a Tanzanian rural .Asphyxia, Asfiksija, prestanka disanja, uguenje: 1 prirodno, a u novoroenadi - a. neonatorum, uguenje nastalo prevremenim disanjem i udisanjem .
Asphyxia or asphyxiation is a condition of severely deficient supply of oxygen to the body that arises from abnormal breathing. An example of asphyxia is .Preklad asphyxia z anglitiny do sloveniny v prekladovom online slovnku. Obsah online strnky je chrnen autorskm zkonom. Prepis .Lancet. ;2 8398 :311-3. Hyperinsulinism in asphyxiated and small- for-dates infants with hypoglycae Collins JE, Leonard JV. Hypoglycaein .Vznam slova asphyxia asfyxia, dusenie z nedostatku vzduchu s Koprovanie, renie, prpadne modifikcia tohto do.entu je povolen v slade s .
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