Stages Of Infectionrculosis
A patient is said to relapse if they become and remain culture negative or they become well whilst on TB treatment, but become culture positive or become ill again after finishing their TB treatment..TB relapse is defined as a patient who has become and remained culture negative while receiving therapy but after completion of therapy becomes: Culture positive again or. Has clinical or radiographic deterioration that is consistent with active .rculosis..
.rculosis management refers to the medical treatment of the infectious disease .rculosis TB . The standard "short" .Can TB treatment cure TB? TB drugs what causes the failure of TB treatment. What do relapse recurrence mean. New other Patients. Treatment .TB relapse is defined as a patient who has become and remained culture negative while receiving therapy but after completion of therapy becomes:..One problem that receives little attention is recurrence of .rculosis following completion of treatment. Histori.y, patients properly treated with a 4-drug .
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